
Natural habitats and woodlands

Ecological characterisation

Our experts are qualified to characterize ecological environments, as well as any associated disturbances and issues. We can offer you the following services:

  • Inventory of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants
  • Identification of invasive alien species (IAS)
  • Identification of vulnerable plants
  • Identification of remarkable and/or large trees
  • Determination of ecological value
  • Soil analysis

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Caractérisation écologique

Management interventions

Thanks to our skills and experience, we are able to propose development options to ensure the conservation, resilience and ecological evolution of natural environments.

  • Analysis of ecological issues
  • Site-specific restoration plan (choice of species, etc.)
  • Invasive species control and management plan (including planting plan)
  • Emerald ash borer impact management plan
  • Silvicultural prescriptions
  • Trail development or closure
  • Protection of natural environments during construction
  • Protection of vulnerable plants
  • Work supervision
  • Long-term ecological monitoring

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Interventions d’aménagement

Management in inaccessible areas

Our professionals have the equipment and skills to handle any job in
inaccessible areas (steep slopes, cliffs, islands, etc.). If you find yourself in
such a situation, contact us without delay.

Interessé.e ?

Aménagement en zone inaccessible

Urgence arbre

Service d’expertise professionnelle suite à un sinistre majeur

SEULEMENT en cas de:

Blessures très graves
Dommages > 250,000$

Service 24/7
Ligne directe : 514 898-3848